TIME AND SPACE DIED YESTERDAY: futurist reconstruction of the universe

Teatrum Anatomicum @ Waag Society for New and Old Media
Amsterdam. March 11 2004

Connected performance via telephone between Scot Cotterell in Hobart Tasmania and SisterO/Nancy Mauro-Flude in Amsterdam. Audio generated by Custom Patches processed live by S Movement reconstruction of 'Dancer in Blue' by Nancy Mauro-Flude / http://sistero.sysx.org


concepts of teleportation, meetings in non-physical space with multiple physical manifestations and ritual performative connections fed a month of pre-performance email discussion resulting in a precarious but beautiful connection performed at Waag Society, Amsterdam. SisterO enters a spotlit space, calls Scot, connection is made and an assistant takes the telephone and routes it thru the sound system, Scot begins to process imagining nancy moving, the performance lasts for five minutes and fades to silence.
